Geeta Mehta

Co-Founder and Chief Nutritionist
M. Sc, Foods & Nutrition ( Gold Medalist )

Dt. Geeta Mehta is a post graduate in Nutrition from M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat. She is a gold medalist in her graduation and has won two gold medals for her eminent research in post graduation. She has extensive experience in advising people who need to loose weight or have other associated problems.

Dipti Chawla

Co-Founder, IT and Business Head
Masters in Computer Application

Dipti Chawla is a post graduate in Computer Applications from Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun. She has extensive knowledge in designing and developing user friendly applications and software. Prior to ‘Healthonmyplate’ she has IT experience of over 5 years. Passionate about health and diets led her to collaborate with her sister Geeta Mehta to launch this venture.

The healthonmyplate was an intuitive idea which took shape when we sisters Geeta Mehta and Dipti Chawla decided to take their passion of health & fitness forward and launch their online portal-

Geeta- a gold medalist nutritionist, being married to an army personnel could not pursue a full time job at one place. She has worked as a freelance nutritionist and needed a platform to showcase her skills. Being blessed with two kids she has been very keen towards healthy eating and loves cooking up easy & quick recipes for them. Being a very simple and down to earth person the only thing which held her back was not being very tech savvy. This is where her sister took the lead and came into picture.

Dipti- a software engineer by profession took a break from her corporate career after motherhood and being a nuclear family could not work full time again. A regular gym person she has tried every kind of diet available and keeps fitness as the first thing in her list. Her biggest support has been her husband Sachin Chawla who pushed her in taking this venture forward.

With technology one can reach millions from home itself -this idea let to healthonmyplate where people who do not have time to visit dietitians can avail the services simply on a call. In this world of ecommerce and social media when everything you require is just a call away then why not a nutritionist! All these thoughts combined together led to the birth of #homp!

The primary aim of healthonmyplate is to provide a sustainable diet to individuals. The USP- to let the diet plans incorporate in your lifestyle rather to change your lifestyle according to the plan. Healthy eating & No starvation rule has been our motto!

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