Immunity Boosters

Immunity is one of the most important processes that helps keep diseases away, especially during the days when season is changing. It is essential to consumeĀ foods that keep your immunity high & help you fight the commonly occurring illnesses such as cold and flu. These immunity boosting foods are easily Read more…

Know More on Tonsillitis

TonsillitisĀ is a painful disease that is caused by inflamed tonsils, the inflammation due to infection or because they are filled with a foreign substance. Tonsils are protective lymph glands there are present in the throat. Click on the below link to know more-

Monsoon Tips

Monsoon is the time when we are prone to water and food borne diseases. There are increased incidences of diarrhoea and dysentery. Indigestion, gas, bloating, acidity are common problems. So follow these tips to stay healthy this monsoon season- 1) Drink a cup of ginger water daily. 2) Use fenugreek(methi) Read more…